
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Drinks Bottles

 A number of  swimmers are attending sessions with the incorrect drinks bottles. We have received a number of complaints from leisure centres that swimmers are leaving the tiny plastic caps and the shop bought disposable drinks bottles on poolside after their training sessions. The tiny plastic caps are a health and safety problem in that swimmers or small children can easily swallow them should they end up in the water. They are also causing problems in blocking the pool filters.

Below are details of those bottles which should and should not be used:


Allowed Not Allowed

Swimmers will not be allowed drinks during sessions or competitions should they not have the correct bottle to drink from. This includes special sports drinks such as "Lucozade".
Avoiding Illness

During the past few years, a high proportion of swimmers have been ill, particularly during the winter months. Whilst sometimes this is unavoidable, swimmers and coaches should do everything possible to prevent illness and stay healthy all year round, and especially during periods of hard training.

A document, from the English Institute of Sport, aims to provide strategies for swimmers in order to establish best practice in an attempt to minimise the incidence of illness and infection. To view this document click here.

Drinks whilst Training

There appears to be no provision at ISV for swimmers to refill water bottles from any cold water supply at the centre. Obviously a good intake of water is of utmost importance for the swimmers in light of their hard work during training.

Attending training with enough cold water is essential. All swimmers are to bring fresh cold/iced water to the sessions in named water bottles (no plastic removable tops) with spare as necessary. For approved drinking bottles please see above

There is the option to purchase bottled water at the ISV, should you so wish. Considering all of our pockets, and the amount of time that will be spent at the ISV, it may be more appropriate to bring enough water in the first place.

Swimmers turning up on poolside for training or competitions wearing makeup will be asked to return to the changing rooms to remove it,  Swimmers unable to remove all makeup will not be permitted to train or compete. There are a number of reasons why it is not practical or hygienic for swimmers to wear makeup while training or competing.  A number of swimmers have been  spoken to over the last few weeks regarding the matter already.
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